Mr. Lebai Malang
story of a religious teacher who lived by the river in a village in West Sumatra. One day, he got a party invitation from two rich people from neighboring villages. Unfortunately the party was held on the same day and time. spkr.gif (282 bytes) Mr. lebai holding gains and losses of each invitation. But he was never able to take decisions quickly. He thought if he went to a party in the village up the river, the host will give him a gift of two tails buffalo head. However, he was not very familiar with the host. According to the news, the plates are not as good as the river upstream.
If he went to a party in the downstream river, he will receive a prize from the buffalo's head with a delicious cooked. He also knows very well with the host. However, the host will provide additional upstream cakes guests. Until he started pedaling pestapun boat where he could not decide which side will be selected. spkr.gif (282 bytes) First, dikayuh sampan toward the upstream. Just arrived in the middle of the journey did he change his mind. He turned the boat toward the paddle downstream. So it almost reaches the downstream villages. He saw some of the guests headed upstream. Guest said that the buffalo are slaughtered there is very thin. And he changed the direction towards the river boat. Arriving at the edge of the village up the river, guests have returned home. Party there.
Pak lebai cepat-cepat mengayuh perahunya menuju desa hilir sungai. Sayangnya, disanapun pesta sudah berakhir. Pak Lebai tidak mendapat kepala kerbau yang diinginkannya.
Saat itu ia sangat lapar, ia memutuskan untuk memancing ikan dan berburu. Untukitu ia membawa bekal nasi. Untuk berburu ia mengajak anjingnya.
After fishing for a long time, hook the fish eaten. But the hooks caught in the river bed. Mr. Lebaipun plunging to take fish. Unfortunately, fish can escape. And the dog ate rice lebai pack lunch. Therefore misfortune of his fate, given the nickname Mr. lebai lebai Malang.
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