Minggu, 06 November 2011

Si Sigarlaki And Si Limbat From Sulawsi Utara. Indonesia

Si Sigarlaki and Si Limbat
In antiquity in Tondano there lived a mighty hunter named Sigarlaki. He is very well known for its expertise speared. No target tombakannya missed. spkr.gif (282 bytes) Sigarlaki have a very loyal servant named Limbat. Almost all the work ordered by Sigarlaki done well by Limbat. Although renowned as a reliable hunter, one day they are not able to get the game a single tail. Frustration finally culminated when Si Limbat reported on the employer that the meat supply in the house they had been stolen. spkr.gif (282 bytes) Without thinking, he was immediately accused the maid who steals meat Sigarlaki their inventory. Limbat was very surprised. Never thought her employer would have the heart to accuse him of being a thief.
Then Si Si Limbat Sigarlaki asked to prove that he did not steal. The trick is Sigarlaki will stick his spear into the pool. Along with The Limbat sent diving. When the spear was first out of the pool means Si Limbat not steal. When The Limbat that out of the pool first and then prove that he stole. spkr.gif (282 bytes) The conditions that create fear Limbat weird. But anyway he wants to prove that he is clean. Then he dived Sigarlaki plugging along with his spear. spkr.gif (282 bytes) Just stuck his spear, Sigarlaki suddenly saw a wild pig in the pond to drink. He immediately raised his spear and threw it toward the boar. Tombakan but missed. So it must lose with Si Si Sigarlaki Limbat. But he asked that the evidence was repeated.
With a heavy heart Limbat employer was eventually followed orders. Only the spear stuck in the pool, suddenly Sigarlaki foot bitten by a large crab. And he cried out in pain and not deliberately raised his spear. So it's eventually won Limbat. He succeeded in proving that he did not steal. While Sigarlaki for alleged indiscriminate, convicted of being bitten by a crab.

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